Choppin it up with CantBuyDeem


Sooo Benny the Butcher owes you $500 ey? How’s that going? Lol JK but fr, tell us about the making of that song

(Deem) Lol long story short i got finesse into paying for a mixtape he was “hosting’. I thought the title was funny and it was a good excuse to rap straight thru a beat. I scheduled the video shoot before I even had the beat or wrote any lyrics I just KNEW.  

And speaking of money, scams, etc.. we know that 2020 was a “wild wild west” type of year, how was it for you?

It was crazy but surprisingly lucrative. My investments are doing really well for me despite losing my job because of covid. It’s fun and funny watching all these people pop up with 10s of thousands of dollars that they finessed their own friends and family for tho, lol

If you could have given yourself one piece of advice at the beginning of quarantine, what would it have been? 

Simple, put it ALL in Bitcoin and catch that dogecoin train too.

Your other recent single, “Popeyes” has been doing numbers! Even though the song uses a lot of metaphors, metaphorically speaking, what is your favorite Popeye’s order? 

4 pieces mild with red beans & rice, mashed potatoes and TWO biscuits. Gotta have that second biscuit or it ain’t IT.

Consistency is key to growth as an artist and we always see you working on new projects! What’s that process like? 

I honestly never stop making music. I randomly come up with the concepts to put the songs together based on what I’m currently going through. The ideas come waaay faster than I can execute them so I’ll always have a few in the chamber. 3 projects on the way this year

Additionally, 2020 and quarantine really amped up the need for visual content. This is something you’ve always been great at, can you talk about your process for coming up with visuals for your music? 

Most of the time I can see the visual in my head while I’m writing the song. I always loved The BOX & MTV Jams so I have years of examples stored lol. I also used to live with a director, Andrew Morris of Born Ready Films, if you watch my first few videos you’ll see the sauce rubbed off on me. The most simple answer is I have an overactive imagination. If I weren't making these songs and videos to show people then these images and words would be swirling through my head all day probably driving me crazy.

Do you have any shoot day rituals?

Be ready before I go to bed the night before. Ignore calls that aren't from cast and crew. 

Oh and don’t get high before performance takes it makes it dull

Any predictions for the upcoming year? What are you personally looking forward to? 

I predict that my financial portfolio will double or triple. I’m excited to throw events again and as soon as the quarantine is over I’m performing out of the country for the first time. Actually leaving the country for the first time. Geeked for these passport stamps 

Lastly..not everyone may know that you make raw ass clothes, any updates on that? 

I DO have fun making merch but the quality of the merch I was making with my hands was no longer pleasing to me. Well the one of one Items are just that but once the bulk designs sold out I wanted to find a new identity in the merch game. With each project I drop there will be some special pieces, not always clothing either. There will be random art drops and t-shirts to support them in between projects. Just taking the time to present something that I would personally stand in line for, while building up the fanbase to fill that line. In the meantime if you want to shop I have a few heavily discounted items with me at all times. 

Ayy! Heard that ya’ll? Well, thanks Deem! Can’t wait to see what 2021 has in store for ya!

Kinky Elevator Music